How to become the Khan Academy of your niche and get paid for it


You’ve probably heard something along the lines of “if you’re good at it, get paid” at least once in your life.

If you’ve garnered enough authority in the domain you teach and want to double down on it but don’t know how to, here are 5 methods you can begin to utilize.

1. Identify Your Niches and Audience

One of the most important steps to begin doubling down is to have a clear understanding of what your niche and target audience is.

You can do this by asking yourself questions such as:

A deep understanding of your niche and audience will help you tailor your offerings and marketing strategies.

2. Produce High Quality Content

In the digital world, content is king irrespective of genre and in this case, what you teach, so it is more than ideal to consistently delivery high-quality content that resonates with the niche and audience you end up establishing.